Stimulate your taste buds with an interactive wine tasting event; it's the perfect way to entertain clients and reward teams. This event has been designed with everyone in mind, where guests are educated about wines through entertainment. So whether you're a seasoned wine drinker with a cellar full of priceless vintages, or you couldn't tell the difference between a 1978 Red Burgundy and a bottle of Yellow-Tail, this enjoyable and interactive event is suitable for all palates- and with wine as the focal point, you're guaranteed a good time!
Tell us your wine preferences and we will tailor a range of 5 wines and deliver them in a “Wine Tasting Gift Box” to each participant. The parcel will contain 5 wines bottled in 50ml samples, so that we all taste the same wines together. 5 days before the tasting date we will dispatch the wines to each person taking part (home or work address). On the day, our qualified wine expert will host your event: all our team have the WSET Level 3 or 4 qualification and are professional, experienced wine presenters. The Zoom session is a 1 to 1.5 hour tasting and we will pitch the tasting at just the right level to ensure everyone feels included and gains additional wine knowledge - just let us know what to expect! Tastings can be held in the afternoon or evening - being online, we are completely flexible to suit you.