Free-Roam 30 Minute VR Game Experience

30 minute gaming experience
Safety briefing & equipment
Post game debrief
Individual & team scores
Highlight video: including in-game & real world footage


Imagine, you’re transported to a world inside a video game, except, unlike usual games, you are the controller and your mind will trick you into believing that it is all real. This high-tech free-roam virtual reality experience is like no other. Embrace the tension and the terror in this 30-minute zombie VR experience. This isn’t your standard VR shooter. The battle is to survive through 10 hair-raising environments. Keep a tight grip on your nerves – and your weapons – as you navigate pitch-black sewers, scurry across high-rise rooftops, and shoot your way through walls of flesh-eating foes, towards a final epic boss battle.


Useful Info
Groups over the maximum numbers will rotate through the experiences in separate groups
Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes, this experience can be a bit of a workout
Low profile glasses can be worn in our headset though we recommend contact lenses for optimal comfort
Start Times
Mon to Thu 14:00 - 18:00
Fri 12:00 - 18:00
Sat to Sun 10:00 - 18:00
45 minutes
1 Jan - 31 Dec

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