Based on the Musical Stomp, this activity is a great way to connect teams using individual musical performances from household items, which will be produced into a memorable bespoke video ready to show at your next virtual meeting or share with your colleagues.
Teams get creative with using their household items to create musical instruments such as pots, pans and wooden spoons! Once each person has found and created their favourite instrument, they will be directed to a dedicated website which will have our follow along video tutorials from the famous David Wise, a cult legend who created the famous theme tune from the game Donkey Kong.
Once individuals have viewed the videos and chosen their difficulty level, they will be ready to record their beat. Fancy dress, pets, and different backgrounds / other themes are all encouraged, the more creative the better! Once everyone has recorded their session, our team will work on piecing together all the videos to become one overall group percussion performance. We will personalise and bespoke the start and end piece, ready to show at your next meeting, event or have to keep to remind us when we had to stay at home to keep everyone safe.